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Benjamin Carter <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
HISTORICAL ARCHAEOLOGY <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 13 Mar 2010 12:37:22 -0500
text/plain (118 lines)
Bravo, Susan. Nicely stated and written. Inspiring!

Ben Carter

On 3/13/2010 12:43 PM, Susan Walter wrote:
> Archys dears, and others complaining here...
> Yes, teenagers have an "attitude" but I'd bet you did too when you were a
> teen.  I did; I guess, anyway mom says I did, and also she confessed that
> she did.  My dad's mom says he did.
> The analogy that the public is like a surly know it all teen is quite
> appropriate.  But, as a parent, what is the best way to deal with it?
> Preaching?  Whining?  Yelling?  Hiding in a hole?  (Preferably with nice
> straight sidewalls?)
> I don't think so.
> Popular thought on archaeology, as has been discussed to death, is often
> skewed towards romanticism, treasure hunting, dinosaurs, and so on.  "We" as
> archaeologists "know the reality" and like any profession need to use our
> professional training (remember emic and etic?) to see it from "their eyes"
> and explain it in an understandable way to "them."
> All of this thread has just highlighted once again the extreme importance of
> courtesy, and the dire need to reach out to the public.
> Probably one of the best ways to do this is to take a day from your busy
> schedule and offer to go to high schools during career days.  Then do it.
> Show up in your field clothes, pick the surliest most hulking kid, and
> criticise their inadequate field garb.  Show no mercy for hair styles or
> fingernails.  Then plop on your kerchief, hat, gloves, compass, backpack (be
> sure its heavy and pokes them), and ill fitting dirty shirt, give them a
> rolled up map, make them hold a pick and shovel, and take their picture.  I
> guarantee if you do this with gentle humor the class and your victim will
> play along and if you give the photo to said hulk she/he will be seen later
> displaying it to friends.
> And then skewer them with ARPA, pothunting, disgusting critters, vile clay
> soils, crappy weather, and other archaeological realities.  Bring some real
> artifacts and let them handle them.  Tell them why you have them (they were
> pothunted confiscated and nonprovenienced).  And explain that you have a
> crush on Indy, or his cutie girlfriend, or even both if you want a laugh,
> but let them know that's a fairy tale and you are the real Indy or cutie.
> Ask if they've seen Time Traveler or History Detectives and Jurassic Park
> and Clan of the Cave Bear.  Explain what's right or wrong with those
> depictions.  Pass out Archaeology magazines with strict instructions to be
> careful.  Stomp through the classroom.  Point out things you notice as they
> rifle through them.
> And be sure you give them time to ask questions.  Occassionally I've had
> classes that were so stunned they had none.  Tell them about your favorite
> artifact or site, or dramatize one of your own field or lab experiences.
> Do you know what you have done if you do this?
> Educated 30 or more potential voters and their often misinformed teachers.
> Had a break from the damned balky computer.  Been a star for a day.
> Then go back to playing in the mud and swatting mosquitos and bitching about
> the weather.
> But for gods sake lets quit whining about poor misunderstood us and do
> something constructive about it.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "charles alexander"<[log in to unmask]>
> To:<[log in to unmask]>
> Sent: Friday, March 12, 2010 5:20 PM
> Subject: Re: Re TT
> Have you ever tried to explain something or offer advice to a teenage child?
> They often look at you like you are from Mars. They figure you don't
> understand what they are going through and couldn't possibly help their
> situation. This is the attitude the general public takes with Archaeology.
> Archaeologists are the minority of teenagers who realize that our "parents"
> have been through some of the very same things we are now facing. We have
> something to learn about the successes and failures of the people who lived
> before us in the same way a young adult could learn from his parents. Human
> behavior is patterned. Archaeology is not a luxury, without it we are all
> doomed to repeat our past mistakes. Isn't there a famous quote describing
> that very thing? Most of what Archaeologists learn becomes buried in an
> archive somewhere or at best, debated within academic circles. The public
> has no idea what we are doing or why we are doing it. I believe Archaeology
> is capable of helping to solve many of the problems faced in modern society
> much in the same way we have something to offer our children.
> Charles Alexander
>> Date: Fri, 12 Mar 2010 08:56:15 +0000
>> From: [log in to unmask]
>> Subject: Re TT
>> To: [log in to unmask]
>> I f there was a referendum on such things most of the people on this
>> list would be out of a job as many in the public see us as
>> over-educated, self satisfied leaches frittering their tax dollars on
>> luxury projects. A touch of populism if it explains anything of why
>> archaeology is important or interesting does no harm especially in the
>> current economic climate. Remember hundreds of sites are currently -this
>> minute- being bulldozed, plowed (American sp?) out or dug with
>> inadequate budgets and resources all over the planet.
>> pc
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