> Does it mean it is safe?
> California requires a hazmat certified transport
> Someone should explain the mode of operation of this chemical--directly
> related to safety...
The pill like tablets are held in aluminum flasks. About 30-60
minutes after a flask is opened the tablets slowly begin to give off
hydrogen phosphide gas and continue to do so for
many hours. So if you are involved in a car wreck while
carrying Phostoxin you have about 30 minutes to spare before
the pills give off dangerous gas. BUT if the pills get wet with
water, they will catch fire immediately and spraying water on
the fire will just enhance it.
Most of California's almonds and other nuts and some
dried fruits are fumigated at one time or another with
hydrogen phosphide gas. Fumigated foods are subject
to immediate insect reinfestation because the
hydrogen phosphide gas doesn't leave any residue.
Paul Cherubini
El Dorado, Calif.
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