I find about 80% of my customers can discern the difference between a packer grade and raw honey.
almost all of the 80% can also discern between 4 or 5 different varietals too.
organic is part religon, a feel good thing, know you are supporting a small entity thats easy on the
so much food is produced in a non-environmentally friendly way that organic is a reaction to that.
spend a day looking around the heartland of america and see the massive amounts of chems used
and the disgust of the inside of a pork feedlot. after a day in the field what educated person could
conclude that the industrial version of food production is the best we can do as a result of 100 years
of Ag technology?
its that realization that makes someone who can afford it pay $15 for a 10oz jar of organic honey
and support the organic concept. for a growing number of people its like sending $15 to support a
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