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Informal Science Education Network <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 13 Jul 2008 19:24:04 -0400
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Part 1 of a two part series well worth reading about Charles Darwin.


Martin Weiss, PhD

Science Interpretation

New York Times, June 17, 2008

Olivia Judson


The party is about to begin.

Charles Darwin. (Richard Milner/European Pressphoto Agency)

In a week or so, the trumpets will sound, heralding the start of 18 months 

of non-stop festivities in honor of Charles Darwin. July 1, 2008, is the 

150th anniversary of the first announcement of his discovery of natural 

selection, the main driving force of evolution. Since 2009 is the 200th 

anniversary of Darwin’s birth (Feb. 12), as well as being the 150th 

anniversary of the publication of his masterpiece, “On the Origin of 

Species” (Nov. 24), the extravaganza is set to continue until the end of 

next year. Get ready for Darwin hats, t-shirts, action figures, naturally 

selected fireworks and evolving chocolates. Oh, and lots of books and 


But hold on. Does he deserve all this? He wasn’t, after all, the first 

person to suggest that evolution happens. For example, his grandfather, 

Erasmus Darwin, speculated about it towards the end of the 18th century; 

at the beginning of the 19th, the great French naturalist Jean-Baptiste 

Lamarck made a strong case for it. Lamarck, however, failed to be 

generally persuasive because he didn’t have a plausible mechanism — he 

could see that evolution takes place, but he didn’t know how. That had to 

wait until the discovery of natural selection.

Natural selection is what we normally think of as Darwin’s big idea. Yet 

he wasn’t the first to discover that, either. At least two others — a 

doctor called William Wells, and a writer called Patrick Matthew — 

discovered it years before Darwin did. Wells described it (admittedly 

briefly) in 1818, when Darwin was just 9; Matthew did so in 1831, the year 

that Darwin set off on board HMS Beagle for what became a five-year voyage 

around the world.

It was a few months after returning from this voyage that Darwin first 

began to consider seriously the possibility of evolution, or the 

“transmutation of species.” At this time he knew nothing of Wells’s and 

Matthew’s accounts of natural selection; indeed, both accounts languished 

in obscurity until after the “Origin” was published. (After the “Origin” 

appeared, Matthew wrote to a magazine to draw attention to his statements 

on the subject; he then proceeded to put “Discoverer of the Principle of 

Natural Selection” on the title pages of his books. This annoyed Darwin.)

By 1858, Darwin had spent more than 20 years studying plants and animals 

and thinking about evolution. He had filled notebook after notebook with 

his thoughts on how evolution works; he had, in 1844, written a short 

manuscript on the subject that was to be published in the event of his 

untimely death; and he had discussed evolution with a few close friends. 

But he had published nothing. (He had, however, published books on several 

other subjects, including an exhaustive study of barnacles, both living 

and extinct.) Then, in June of that year, Darwin received a package from a 

young man named Alfred Russel Wallace; in the package, Wallace enclosed a 

brief manuscript in which he outlined the principle of evolution by 

natural selection.

What happened next is famous in the history of biology. On July 1, 1858, 

Wallace’s manuscript, as well as a couple of short statements on natural 

selection by Darwin (a segment of the 1844 manuscript, and part of a 

letter he’d written in 1857), were read at a meeting of the Linnean 

Society in London. The meeting had been organized by some of Darwin’s 

scientific friends to establish his priority in the discovery.

Of the material presented that night, the manuscript by Wallace is, in 

some respects, the more impressive: it is clearer and more accessible. Yet 

it is Darwin we celebrate; it is Darwin who, like a god in a temple, sits 

in white marble and presides over the main hall at the Natural History 

Museum in London. Why?

The reason is the “Origin.” Without the publication of the “Origin” the 

following year, the meeting at the Linnean Society could well have passed 

unnoticed, the Darwin-Wallace statements going the same way as those by 

Matthew and Wells. Indeed, the meeting had so little impact at the time 

that, at the end of the year, the president of the Linnean Society said, 

“The year which has passed has not, indeed, been marked by any of those 

striking discoveries which at once revolutionize, so to speak, the 

department of science on which they bear.”

This is one of my all-time favorite quotations (and I am fond of using it) 

because it shows how, at the time, little significance was attached to the 

Linnean Society meeting. We see that meeting as important now because of 

what happened next: it galvanized Darwin into writing and publishing the 


And the “Origin” changed everything. Before the “Origin,” the diversity of 

life could only be catalogued and described; afterwards, it could be 

explained and understood. Before the “Origin,” species were generally seen 

as fixed entities, the special creations of a deity; afterwards, they 

became connected together on a great family tree that stretches back, 

across billions of years, to the dawn of life. Perhaps most importantly, 

the “Origin” changed our view of ourselves. It made us as much a part of 

nature as hummingbirds and bumblebees (or humble-bees, as Darwin called 

them); we, too, acquired a family tree with a host of remarkable and 

distinguished ancestors.

The reason the “Origin” was so powerful, compelling and persuasive, the 

reason Darwin succeeded while his predecessors failed, is that in it he 

does not just describe how evolution by natural selection works. He 

presents an enormous body of evidence culled from every field of biology 

then known. He discusses subjects as diverse as pigeon breeding in Ancient 

Egypt, the rudimentary eyes of cave fish, the nest-building instincts of 

honeybees, the evolving size of gooseberries (they’ve been getting 

bigger), wingless beetles on the island of Madeira and algae in New 

Zealand. One moment, he’s considering fossil animals like brachiopods 

(which had hinged shells like clams, but with a different axis of 

symmetry); the next, he’s discussing the accessibility of nectar in clover 

flowers to different species of bee.

At the same time, he uses every form of evidence at his disposal: he 

observes, argues, compares, infers and describes the results of 

experiments he has read about, or in many cases, personally conducted. For 

example, one of Darwin’s observations is that the inhabitants of islands 

resemble — but differ subtly from — those of the nearest continents. So: 

birds and bushes on islands off the coast of South America resemble South 

American birds and bushes; islands near Africa are populated by 

recognizably African forms.

He argues that the reason for this is that new islands become colonized by 

beings from the nearest continents, and that the new inhabitants then 

begin evolving independently. He then asks: can animals and plants from 

the continents get to new islands, especially those that are far out at 

sea? To investigate this, he conducts experiments to see how long seeds 

from different plants can remain immersed in saltwater and still begin to 

grow. In short, he tests his reasoning over and over again.

He is also, in some respects, surprisingly far-seeing. The “Origin” does 

not just expound natural selection. It contains a wealth of additional 

ideas and hypotheses, some of which Darwin went on to elaborate in other 

books. Among them: sexual selection. This is the idea — and it remained 

controversial until recently — that males in many species are burdened 

with showy ornaments like enormous tails because the females of their 

species have, by repeatedly picking the showiest males as their mates, 

caused them to evolve them that way.

This is not to say that the “Origin” is flawless, or that Darwin was right 

in every respect. It isn’t, and he wasn’t. Nor is the book a definitive 

account of how evolution works. It wasn’t even definitive in his lifetime: 

he published six editions, revising, sometimes heavily, from one to the 

next. (In the third edition, which appeared in 1861, he introduced a 

historical sketch in which he discusses his precursors, including Matthew 

and Wells.) Yet his knowledge of the natural world is so immense, and the 

scrutiny to which he subjects his ideas is so thorough and scrupulous, 

that the “Origin” presents a grand new vision of the world. A vision that, 

as far as possible given the knowledge available at the time, he worked 

out in every detail. A vision that changed the world forever.

Let’s party!



The historical events described here can be found in any biography of 

Darwin; I drew on Janet Browne’s — Knopf, in two volumes, “Voyaging” 

(1995) and “The Power of Place” (2002). The anecdote of Matthew annoying 

Darwin can be found on page 109 of “The Power of Place”; the quotation 

from the president of the Linnean Society can be found on page 42 of the 

same volume.

Many thanks to Dan Haydon, Horace Judson, Gideon Lichfield, Dmitri Petrov, 

Elizabeth Pisani and, especially, Jonathan Swire, for insights, comments, 

arguments and suggestions.