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Informed Discussion of Beekeeping Issues and Bee Biology


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Thu, 16 Nov 2006 13:34:43 -0500
Informed Discussion of Beekeeping Issues and Bee Biology <[log in to unmask]>
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Aaron Morris <[log in to unmask]>
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I spent about 3 hours last evening writing the following editorial, and
have been debating all day whether to send it.  Submitted for what it's

EDITORIAL: Folks, this is simply getting out of hand.  I am caught
between a rock and a hard place.  It has always been my intent to have
BEE-L a list for the Informed Discussion of Beekeeping Issues and Bee
Biology.  Lately it has been a cesspool for unsubstantiated claims,
assaults on those making them, and counter attacks on those who
rightfully point out that unsubstantiated claims have been and continue
to be made.  I am cast in an impossible role of keeper of the peace.

Claims of small cell have been made, repeatedly.  Some adamant
proponents have asserted that small cell will resolve everything from
Varroa problems to brood diseases and return beekeeping to the glory
days of our grandfathers when all one needed to do was put a hive of
bees out in the spring and harvest copious amounts of honey in the fall.
Less ardent small cell beekeepers make fewer claims, and recently one
supporter claimed that no one every claimed that which the most fervent
supporters have repeatedly claimed.  Truthfully the small cell camp is
all over the board.

On the other side are those who don't buy the pitch.  Some camp out in
the show me state, others have been absent for long periods of time and
are surprised to come back only to discover that the controversy
persists unabated.  Actually, there are members in both camps surprised
that this folderol is still going on.  Regardless, there are many who
point out that the small cell claims are unsubstantiated in the research
circles, to which the advocates cry, we don't need no stinkin'
verification at universities or bee labs, we know it works!  The proof
is in our apiaries!  No matter how often it is said, no matter how
loudly it is said, it remains without a doubt that small cell claims are
unsubstantiated in accredited research circles.  And yes, there are some
who don't need no stinkin' verification at universities or bee labs.
This has been established, time and time again.

The latest fray, being turned into a "Big bad commercial vs. small scale
beekeeping" discussion, came with requests to define ones' self in the
wide spectrum that is beekeeping.  A request to know the credentials of
a proponent of an idea is a valid request, regardless of the idea.  I
was at a conference this summer where someone in the auditorium heaped
high praises upon Russian queens.  The man, whom I did not know and
could not see (he was at the back of the auditorium, I was at the front,
and the lights were dim) gave glowing testimony to Russian bees.  My
first reaction had nothing to do with his assertions, my first reaction
was, "Who is this guy, how big is his operation, and what sort of return
is he getting from the Russian bees that he is so highly recommending?"
Please note that this conjecture did not include an iota of character
assessment or evaluation, I merely wanted to know how the testimony
given stacked up to where I am in the beekeeping arena.  My perception
of the recent queries for indications of financial return on small cell
operations is exactly the same.  Is small cell generating a positive
balance sheet, positive enough to make a living solely from small cell
beekeeping, or must one have a day job to support the small cell
operation?  That seems like a legitimate question to me, worthy of a
civil answer without vilifying the person who asked.  I have always
wished there was a biographies web to go along with BEE-L so readers
could get to know the contributors, where one could surf to find out if
Edie from Arkansas keeps ten or ten thousand hives, or how long Jane
from Japan has been keeping the bees she keeps, or if Candy from Canada
makes a living solely from keeping bees or if she has a day job to
support her beekeeping habit.  Knowing the beekeeper helps one evaluate
how closely to follow the advice said beekeeper offers.  No character
judgment, just credential evaluation.

Scathing rebukes beget scathing rebukes.  The purpose of moderation is
to minimize the brouhaha.  It is unfortunate that points get lost, but
if a post doesn't get approved, especially in the small cell arena, it
is likely that the post is somewhere between slightly offensive to chock
full of malfeasance, which, were the post approved will only evoke
responses that are even more offensive.  My inbox reeks of posts from
all sides with a few good points sandwiched between savage attacks on
the mothers who begat beekeepers who dare to challenge assertions of
others.  My inbox reeks even more with follow ups to posts that didn't
get approved the first time around, accusing me of attempting to
influence the discussion, showing favoritism to one side or other,
decrying foul in moderation and declaring the issue closed because
points made attached to scathing rebukes do not get approved.  It
reminds me of good bills that pass in Congress with all sorts of
attached political patronage.  The pork makes a good bill bad.  Such are
many unapproved posts; the good points are overwhelmed by the nasty
snipes.  If a post is not approved, rather than berate the moderators,
please go back and examine the submission and ask what are the good
points and might the points be made without assailing the author (or
camp).  Trolls beget trolls, and I too tire of the melee.  As observed
by more than a few lately, I have come close to signing off BEE-L.  As
stated at the beginning of this post, what is supposed to be a list for
the Informed Discussion of Beekeeping Issues and Bee Biology has lately
been a cesspool of bickering.  What most amazes me is that many
contributors seem more intent on bickering than desiring to offer to
help fellow beekeepers.  I am at a loss to affect that.  I have thought
about just opening BEE-L up, letting everything go through, letting
BEE-L reek as badly as does my inbox.  If readers are appalled by the
applesauce on BEE-L lately, just be thankful that you don't see all the
flapdoodle in my inbox!  (I should give credit to for
applesauce and flapdoodle, both of which are synonyms for crap).  I have
more than occasionally considered signing off from BEE-L.
Unfortunately, if I go BEE-L goes with me.  I'm not altogether convinced
that would be a bad thing.  But there are gems in the discussions.
Would that we'd keep it civil and on topic.  Additions to the
discussions are welcome.  Justifications for being rude don't.  Keep it
civil, keep it informed.

Aaron Morris - BEE-L Owner/Editor/Moderator/Janitor

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