So a week later and its been odd... but enlightening
I hope I'm not writing to /dev/null, I'll bite my tongue instead of
The 5 nucs slowly recover, I'm not sure how much larval mortality
but It seems the Q is doing more "back filling" than she should?
I think there should be 5% more sealed, otherwise looks normal
The Red Q hive lives up to its karma, very unusual
RQ. buckfast, dead 3.5y, last winter
RQD main contributor 6 shallow(5.5") w/ bees
RQGD raised this spring, dead afternoon 12may
That was from 1 frame added, after I was sure of my oopsie
I added 2 more w/ larvae (&sealed)& bees 13 may,(didn't think I could buy
RQGD from first observation had no larvae 3d or older
They must have died and been cleaaned out,I never saw anything older than
This changed on 16may, down from 3 frames to 1/4 frame, 1 side, ~300 (12
the last 3% of this young Q's brood, about 6h worth of laying
They are still there now 23may, a furthur 50% mortality, 150 flat caps
capped sometime after 1pm 21may (I'd love to incubate this frame in 12d,
little $ for equipment). The larvae were 1d slow and 1d too small
The bees thought they were OK larvae(mistakenly), made 1 QC 17,18,19th, 2
on 20 & 21st !!!
desperation? thats a 6d larvae!!
They did pick small, runty larvae, 2d undersize.
About 6 QC on imported frame, looked OK
The royal jelly tasted bland, not sharp at all
The imported frames did have mortality, 20,25 & 50%
If larval mortality was only from starvation soon after 13may larvae would
have lived, there would 1 or more frame sealed instead of <1/10,
and as well little imported mortality. The 50% was most central
In reality the infected nurses had to move on, move aside
(the imported nurses must have been not very infected, RQD is a B+ hive)
This suggests that if a lavae's first feed is infected, its fate is sealed
It also suggests that adult to adult, lacking vectors,is not very
I wonder& worry about the comb, should I get it out, & sterilized? S is no
How long does the virus live?
I'm not sure if I'm seeing comb aversion??? or more likly weak cluster
I'll certainly watch brood on die-off comb, but I may have
answered myself >there should be 5% more sealed
I should be passing the frames past a camcorder for real #'s
Some idle thoughts
Has anyone popped a very recent CCD w/ brood into an incubator?
(before brood is chilled) It would be interesting & cheap
re ccd math: right as far as it goes (+ loss, <25% ccd)
but an unasked question is: how many have been exposed?
Clearly not 100%, maybe 30%?
If you controll both mites well, all hives, you might have a good chance
to avoid the worst effects
After all most virus pandemics last 2-3y, then fade into the background
There should be a computer prog, import jpg, count cells brood & type,
parallax would be a problem, import mov?
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