In a recent memo Jerry B said "Non-migratory beekeepers have sustained CCD,
as well as migratory beekeepers." I have the highest respect for Jerry,
but I wonder about this statement for the following reasons:
1. Do we know what CCD is? Is there a set of symptoms that everyone agrees
on that means 'CCD'?
2. I personally took part in the survey and my responses are among those
Jerry references. This past winter I had the highest losses ever, yet I
reported 'not having CCD'. Why...I think my losses were primarily due to
trachael mites. Lots of honey on the hives, but relatively few dead bees.
When I saw the question...did you have losses due to CCD (or some version
thereof), I was astounded as I was not aware then (nor am I now) that there
is any defination of what CCD is.
3. This year I must have had 50 calls from hobbyists who reported "I lost
my hives to CCD". If they filled out the survey, they would have been
counted! Some I recall had only 2-3 hives and were second or third year
beekeepers! IMHO, they would not know CCD from EFB, Nosema, or even Varroa.
There is no question in my mind concerning the following:
1. The set of symptoms mostly called CCD is a serious threat to American
2. The use (and overuse) of organophosphates is a serious threat to
American beekeeping.
3. *Many* beekeepers are reporting CCD because it allows them to think (and
say) that their bees died through no fault of their own. I think this is
primarily a factor among hobbyists, yet the methods of counting treat them
the same as those who lost 1,000 hives with most or all of the now 'classic'
4. Some of this bandwagon is being pushed forward by those beekeepers who
want to get on the public teat, side-by-side with the beef, wheat, corn, and
others through the new farm bill. I am told this is likely to come to pass.
And, since I am somewhat known in some beekeeping circles, there are those
who are furious I am expressing these opinions.
Lloyd Spear
Owner Ross Rounds, Inc.
Manufacture of equipment for round comb honey sections,
Sundance Pollen Traps, and producer of Sundance custom labels.
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