This just in from Jerry Bromenshenk:
Montana Beekeepers Association Meeting, October 19-21, Wingate Hotel,
Missoula, MT.
You are cordially invited to attend the Montana Beekeepers Annual
Meeting in Missoula. The meetings start at 1:00 on Thursday. Dr. Anita
Collins, USDA Beltsville, will be the keynote speaker. Other speakers
include representatives of the beekeeping industry and Dr. George
Stanley, University of Montana, talking about bees and fossils. There
is a banquet Friday evening. On Saturday, Bee Alert Technology, Inc.
will host an open house (10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.). Beekeepers will have
a chance to get hands on training in hive security systems (including
satellite communications). Kids from 8-80 will have a chance to learn
simple methods that can be used for science fair projects or just fun.
Included will be benchtop systems to determine what a bee can smell,
training a bee to fly through a maze, and practice with GPS systems.
Please rsvp if you intend to attend.
Jame Rehm, President, MT Beekeepers [log in to unmask]
Jerry Bromenshenk, CEO, Bee Alert Technology
[log in to unmask]
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