>>If one gets Goldenrod early in season....the honey is very light
and does not granulate faster than most. But once Aster is mixed in,
the honey will granulate within a week of being extracted!
This is likely my case since we kept the hives out for an extra 3-4
weeks and aster continues to bloom after goldenrod has turned brown.
The flavor & aroma are superb and the crystal structure very fine.
It's a little on the hard side so not perfectly spreadable with a
knife but very delectable by the teaspoonful.
>>one company takes maximum advantage of this, see
At $12 a pound, that's great price!
>>the owners (who are marketers not beekeepers) attribute the fast
granulation to Goldenrod and want to purchase honey from beekeepers
in the NYS "Goldenrod Belt".
I should call them and sell them 200 lbs... as long as they don't
offer $1 a lb. ;-)
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