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Print Reply
Brad Holderman <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
HISTORICAL ARCHAEOLOGY <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 1 Dec 2006 09:14:00 -0800
text/plain (146 lines)

Without seeing the prints, from my experience with
blueprints, they tend to have a history of being
rolled up (tightly) for periods of time.  We struggle
with prints only a few months old.  The acidity
(again, a guess without seeing them) is the result of
a cheap diazo process from the 30's, i.e. getting
cheap copies.

As posterity goes, scanning is a must once items are

In regards to Ron's results so far, one wonders when a
paper product becomes historically significant.  As a
blueprinter (I'm the ex-archaeologist), struggling
with difficult items simply provides a result of
better service.

I'm not bidding on a job here, rather coming from a
different point of view from Paul.  However, I sit in
my office constantly thinking of how I can take this
blueprint/imaging thing and move back towards
archaeology and architectural conservation.

Now, I'm starting ramble a bit.

So for now, cheers, and I appreciate the matter being
brought up as a whole.

--- Paul Scotton <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Ron,
> I always find it remarkable when people and
> instituitions 
> can walk away from opportunity as too being too much
> bother.  I have a couple of ideas in mind of
> individuals 
> and institutions.  It would seem that it would be
> best to 
> keep these drawings in state.  University libraries
> would 
> be a good place to start.  You might try contacting 
> special collections at UCSD.  They or SDSU would be
> the 
> natural repository for such things.  I'll be at UCLA
> this 
> afternoon for a lecuture and I wll ask colleagues
> there 
> what they think.     They have a very active
> architectural 
> historian.  Also, this is something the Getty might
> be 
> interested in.  They specialize in conversvation.  I
> have 
> a friend who is a curator there, I can ask her who
> you 
> should approach.  As for me, I teach at CSU Long
> Beach. 
>  If neither UCSD nor UCLA nor the Getty show any
> interest, 
> I can ask question here.
> Flattening the drawings is not expense.  Where the 
> conservator would come in is to deal with acidic
> paper.  I 
> work in Ancient Corinth in Greece and we have drawer
> after 
> drawer of old (100 years +) drawings that are
> holding up 
> fine.  I suspect it would not be too large of a bill
> to 
> preserve and conserve your drawings.
> After the lecture today I'm off to the Bay Area to
> attend 
> a wedding but contact me again early next week to
> see if I 
> have learned anything.
> Good luck in hunt.
> Paul
> Paul D. Scotton
> Associate Professor of Classical Archaeology and
> Classics
> Classics
> California State University
> 1250 N. Bellflower Blvd.
> Long Beach, CA 90840-2404
> On Fri, 01 Dec 2006 03:18:25 -0500
>   Ron May <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> > Paul,
> > 
> > Greetings and thanks for the tip. We took the
> plans to 
> >the San Diego  
> > Historical Society thinking they would be helpful
> and 
> >ready to accept them for  their 
> > collections, but the archivist rejected them as
> too much 
> >bother (and  because 
> > they want to make money selling copies right
> away). We 
> >were sent packing  to 
> > find a conservator, but the Balboa Art
> Conservation 
> >Center is booked for 6  
> > months.
> > 
> > My wife and I will discuss your offer and get back
> with 
> >you. We also  
> > received a contact from a blue print company in
> Carlsbad 
> >(former archaeologist  there 
> > has an idea). We are interested in your potential 
> >funding sources. 
> > 
> > Where are you located?
> > 
> > Ron May
> > Legacy 106, Inc.


Brad Holderman
"Dear Jack, We have a ship, Surprise, for the East Indies, and must join at Plymouth instantly..."

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