My beekeeper friend is selling honey through supermarkets. The diffrerent supermarkets use a common database for products which contain needed info about the products. How many in a packet, weight, dimensions etc.
My friend needs to put a short description to the database about the products also in english. I would like to get your comments about this.
There is two produscts
First one is chrystalized honey which is soft and easily spread. Would a good name for this be creamed honey ?
Second is chrystalized honey which is hard, impossible to take out from jar with a silver spoon. Would s good name for this be 'tarditional hard honey' .
I call this traditional because in the past most honey sold in Finland did get hard as beekeepers did nothing to control the crystalization process. Now 13 % of customers prefer this hard honey over liquid and soft honeys.
Ari Seppälä
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