Hello Ari & All,
My two cents worth.
I don't care for frame spacers. Makes frame rails harder to clean. Ok for a
few hives but get in the way on a larger operation. None of the larger
beekeepers I cross paths with use spacers.
Eight frame spacing might need spacers to prevent the frames falling out of
the supers if the frames slide while removing full supers from hives. One
problem I have had. I tried 8 frames but did not like for the above reason
plus having to deal with such a huge amount of honey going into the cappings
In some of the newer cowan type set ups might not be a problem.
Others most likely feel different but why I never felt a need to go 8 frames
in supers. If wax was higher in price then maybe the extra wax would be of
I use 10 frames for comb honey. I like uniform size in packaging.
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