>He referred me to his son who orchestrated the sourcing of this honey from
a region in Yemen. I will be purchasing some of this honey and report back
to you on my experience.
The unique taste is similar to fructose my customers which used to live in
Yemen tell me. The reason the Middle East store at the old Historic Market
sells Purity Honey blend which is mostly fructose.
Many of his customers turn their nose up at pure honey as most honey sold in
the Yemen area is mixed with syrup. Terry Brown (Browns Bee Australia) told
me the same thing as he used to ship many pallets of packages into the area
and has sampled the honey.
I am not saying the above to be smart but only adding what my customers have
said and the manager of the Middle East store.
Please report your observations!
" If you had never tasted pure honey but only honey cut with syrup would you
turn your nose up at pure honey as tasting funny?"
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