I walked out to the front of one of my two hives in my back yard and found a
very strange sight. There was half a bee (front half) lying on the ground
outside the hive with all the legs kicking. I picked up the kicking half-body
to see what happened. I could not see the other half of the body anywhere.
Upon further inspection It really looked like it was born that way? There wer
no signs whatsoever of an injury behind the midsection of the body. It was
closed up just fine like it was supposed to be that way. She had all the legs
and wings, etc. completely normal minus the abdomen.
I'm stumped. It kicked for about an hour before dying. There were no other
signs outside the hive of anything else like it. It's been cool and rainy
here, no more than 4-5 other dead bees outside the hive.
Has anyone ever ran across anything like this?
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