Hello All,
Many beekeepers around the world are using multiple treatments in a
desperate attempt to control varroa without regards to possible
"James W. Hock" wrote
>>These hives > crashed after being treated with Apistan, Checkmite and FGMO
in a Burgess Insect fogger.
Once a hive reaches a certain point of varroa infestation not even a working
98% control will save the hive and treatment of any kind is a waste of both
time & money!
Peter asks:
Did the patient die from the treatment or the disease?
Using both Apistan & Checkmite together causes a contamination which
registers higher with the mass spec test than either one alone (Jeff Pettis
2004). Combs with such contamination has caused bees to abscound from the
hive according to the bee lab.
Much of the hive loss happening in the U.S. today is being traced to three
different virus combinations being vectored by varroa as hive infestations
rise due to poor varroa control.
Bob Harrison
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