Dee Lusby wrote:
I read it and cannot see much of anything described in your post. Truth
is, RFID tags might be voluntarily used by commercial beekeepers for a
variety of reasons, all beneficial for the beekeeper. Many large
companies are using the tags to track inventory. A beekeeper would know
everything about the colony with the tags and a reader.
The tags were mandated for cows, because of mad cow disease (which is
still around. A case was found in Florida recently). As I recall, it was
Congress that was behind that mandate.
As an aside, I would think the organic movement would be lauding the
USDA and want for it to be mandatory for beekeepers in order to separate
organic from non-organic hives and maintain the purity of the movement.
Why the desire to fight it and mask the colony's origin?
Bill Truesdell
Bath, Maine
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