Flea beetle controlling compound with stunning residue periods - as well
as being a substance that is highly toxic to honey bees has been given
authorisation for use.
Info. may be gained from the following file.
> http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/pmra-arla/english/pdf/reg/reg2004-06-e.pdf
The information on pg. 29 - 32.
It indicates concentrations of the insecticide may show up in
pollen and nectar in concentrations that exceed the measured acute oral
LD50 for honey bees.
Also - what are the thoughts on allowing such a compound onto the market
with such high residue time periods - running into thousands of days.
Do such time periods not harp back to times when Mercury containing
pesticides was still pushed as a good thing to dip onions in.
I think that I have seen this situation before somewhere - and Bayer did
not come out too well either.
Crossed fingers,
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