"I have found directions for Oxalic drench, but not for Oxalic evaporation.
Is there a site that gives good directions for its use, or can you supply
directions. Where can one find the evaporators?"
Mike, Here is one of the best links:
And another:
Here is one that covers the application via solution:
For my money, a quick read seems to indicate that vapour is the way to go.
My guess is that the dosage is from 1 to 2 teaspoons. I have made several
vapourizers and can send pictures. JK
Jonathan B. Kriebel
Das Sauen Õhr Farm
3229 Zepp Rd.
Green Lane, PA 18054-2357
Telephone: (610) 864-8581
Facsimile: (215) 234-8573
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