We may not have africanised bees here (although some seem like it at times)
but we have had some unusual bad temper recently.
I was putting on mouseguards a couple of weeks ago on a cold day with no
bees flying. Should have been no problem, but I got the same reaction from
every hive in the apiary - they all came pouring out, hell-bent on attack;
smoke seemed to have little effect. The apiary is usually quite docile, so
I was really surprised.
Since then, other beekeepers have told me that they have had similar
experiences - one taking a number of stings through trousers covered with a
Is it the weather? I am at a loss to think of anything else that could be
upsetting them - they have had a very good autumn and there are not many
wasps having a go at the hives this year.
Anyone else in the UK had similar experiences?
Peter Edwards
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