I use screen bottom boards and an empty 4-6 inch tall box about the size of
a shallow super drilled with screened ventilation holes above the inner covers
to keep out beetles and moths. Have never experienced bee beards and the
summer temperature in Atlanta, GA frequently reaches between 90-100 F with
very high humidity. Spraying the bees lightly with water will usually put any
bees on the entrance back in the hive for moving purposes. I have several
hives with very large populations ( 1 produced in excess of 200 lb) and the
empty box above really does a good job of ventilating excess moisture during
spring buildup with hi/low temps and moderates the hive temp in 90+ F summer
heat. If empty box is overrun with bees during nectar flow, usually means more
supers are needed.
Jerry Wallace
Atlanta, GA
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