> Moving a drum full of syrup is not going to happen.
I do this often when I don't have a 2nd pair of hands around.
1) Turn drum on side using winch to control "fall".
2) Roll drum to required location
3) Tip drum back up, using lever principal or come-along
4) Do this often enough, and you work some muscles
in places you did not you had them.
> Can anyone suggest a type of container in the 5-7 gallon capacity that has
> been used with success for corn syrup being fed to bees?
Plain old 5-gallon pails work for syrup just as well as for honey.
Dadant sells the pails cheaper than most of the restaurant supply
houses, and Kelley used to ship 5-gallon pails of HFCS via UPS.
Likely any of the supply houses would do this, if they handled HFCS
at all.
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