Hallo Roger
The name from the strips is Oxamite and you can find the strips on the site
with the Vaporizers. http://de.geocities.com/vaporizerklaus/ it’s on the
bottom from the same page after the Vaporizer with the number JB700.
I found it on the site from the company in the US also.
I send a message to the manufacturer and the answer was, I can also order a
single bag but I have to ad 2 Euro for shipping to Europe. I personally
can’t order from US because of the distributor here in Germany and I can
order only 4 bags and up from him, it’s OK I need more than 40 strips
The good thing is, you can let the strips in the colonies for a few weeks
and it’s killing all hatching mites during this time. And the mites can’t
get resistant against the different acid ingredients.
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