While we are on the subject I might as well add my two sense here. For
those who suffer from lower back injury or have a tendency for it here is
my experience. I am only 26 years old. I hardly remember a day in my
life that I did not have sever back pain. Been through all the tests and
the specialists, countless years at chiropractors and no one could find
anything. I was finally told by my family medical doctor (who
interestingly enough also practices chiropractic) that he feels that my
pain comes from muscular pain rather than spine related. I took his tip
and pursued massage therapy. This has changed my life. I am now pain
free 50% of the time and the rest is bearable on top of this I am a
beekeeper as of three years ago. I will caution though it is very
expensive and hard to find a real good therapist. There is allot more to
say on this but it is probably not relevant to this conversation. Should
anyone want to know more feel free to contact me.
Garrett Martin
Willets Lake Apiaries
Nappanee, IN USA
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