The beekeeping season is almost over here in Ontario and I am starting to
think about next year already, and in particular I have been thinking about
how I will make splits next spring in order to replace deadouts and maybe
increase a little.
This past year I made a split without introducing a new queen. I did it
primarily because the parent colony has been a terrific producer, so I
wanted to preserve the genetics. Thinking about that split I recall that
every frame of brood that I gave it had at least one queen cell built on it
after the split was made.
So it occurs to me that if I were to take 5 frames of brood and some
honey/pollen frames and put them into a one chamber hive for 10 or 12 days I
would probably have a queen cell on each of those frames. I could then make
a splits by combining one queen cell bearing frame from this first split
with fresh brood from strong colonies.
It seems to me that by doing this I would significantly reduce the egg
laying gap in the splits vs. what I did this past year - each split would
have a queen within a few days and if the weather is good she could be
laying in a week.
Is there anybody here who has done this and can share his or her experience?
do any of you more experienced beekeepers have any comments or suggestions?
The very act of seeking sets something in motion to meet us;
something in the universe, or in the unconscious responds as if
to an invitation. - Jean Shinoda Bolen