> Indeed the discussion of colour recognition has been very interesting. I hope
> the off-shore subscribers have appreciated the spelling!
Yes indeed!!
One point in all this. The discussions seem to indicate that bees see UV
*and* the colours of what *we* call the visible spectrum as though they see
the two independently. This is a bit like saying we see red at one end of
the visible spectrum and blue at the other end - when in fact what we see is
purple. Virtually all the colours we see are a combination of various
wavelengths. So what do bees see when they detect a combination of mostly
yellow light and UV light? Bzzznectalot, their favourite colour!!
Peter Bray
Airborne Honey Ltd., Pennington St, PO Box 28, Leeston,
New Zealand Fax 64-3-324-3236, Phone 64-3-324-3569
http://www.airborne.co.nz[log in to unmask]