Hi all
I'm in New York (Long Island) and obtained 70 and 170 lbs from my
two hives this season. Population was unbalanced in early spring
when we get our strongest flow but is more even now. When I
pulled I was concerned about the relative lack of honey in the two
deep bodies on each hive, so began feeding 2:1 sugar syrup a
couple of weeks ago. Each hive took down the first two gallons (w/
Fumidil) quickly and I kept feeding. Just put gallon #5 on each. I'm
replacing every other day and they're emptying out the gallon pails in
about 30-36 hours. It's been warm here--at or near 80 each day.
The ladies have been good this year and I want them strong for the
winter. Will happily give them all they want/need. Someone stated
a few weeks ago that they'll stop taking it when they've had enough,
but there must be a limit. How much is too much???
Chris Haring
Mt. Sinai, NY
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