>If the Lusby's have got a better strain of bee I say
>use it. Lots of people are trying to confuse this whole subject and all it
>needs is to be tried (trial & tested).
I hope no one takes this seriously. The entire state of Arizona is
Africanized, and I sincerely hope no one is deliberately moving bees
out of there to northern states. You should remember that the results
they are having could be entirely environmental in nature (hot, dry
climate), which means the effects could not be exported to most other
By the way, there is nothing confusing in stating that in Africa
smaller cells and smaller bees in do not reduce mites, which seems to
cast doubt on this being a main factor.
There is nothing confusing in stating that the Lusbys have so many
variables going on that no one (not even them) can say what is the
main factor in their reduction of mite counts.
Peter Borst <[log in to unmask]>