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Pablo Massa <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 7 Feb 2002 02:26:52 -0300
text/plain (102 lines)
Robert Peters <[log in to unmask]>:

>Pablo Massa wrote in reaction to me:
>>>Every way the world goes,
>>>every way the wind blows
>>>is alright with me.
>>I could read the poem in this way: the author gives actually a farthing
>>for the entire Universe, which he considers an illusion just as himself.
>>"Every way the world goes is alright with me" seems a sort of cynic credo
>>(or a masochist manifesto, depending on the occasion).
>I know that it is possible to understand the poem this way but it is not
>meant this way.  It is quite the opposite.  It expresses the Taoist
>ideal of wu wei, doing without effort, but this is not the place to
>explain it.

I don't react to you, Peter.  You didn't write the poem.  "Forget of
yourself" would say a Zen monk...  Let's see it this way:  that was a
non-taoist lecture of the poem.

>>...  I could call Ricky Martin "a plague", since I've been bombarded from
>>every angle (and without my authorization) by the almost entire production
>>of this guy.  That's what I propoerly call a plague.
>That's what I properly call intolerance.  There is a big difference between
>saying "I don't like Ricky Martin and don't want to listen to the guy, he
>is a plague and his records should be banned and burnt" and between saying
>"I don't like Ricky Martin but there is a place for ALL kinds of music in
>the world - thank God, I am not forced to listen to all kinds of music at

Hmm.  Have you noticed that it's very difficult *not to hear* Ricky Martin
nowadays?.  Mass media will do everything legal (or even illegal) in order
to make you buy a record of RM.  They will spread it all over the world,
and you will not be safe anywhere:  watching TV, listening radio, browsing
at Internet, going to a party, talking to your friends...  When someone
tells me about Ricky Martin, I would like to be able to answer honestly "I
don't know who is that guy".  But unfortunately, mass media have stolen us
our right to ignore who is that guy.  So, is there really a place for all
kinds of music in the world?.  Perhaps, but one could also say that certain
kinds of music have bigger places than others.  That's a legitimate reason
for a reaction, I believe (no matter how good/bad may one judge the music
of RM to be)

>>I don't always want to find the beauty of music.  Sometimes I prefer the
>Your understanding of beauty is limited.

Just as your understanding of my statement. For "opposite" I meant the
following: I prefer sometimes that musical beauty finds me, instead of
finding it by myself.

>For me real beauty covers ugly and disturbing things, too.

I suppose you mean that you find beauty *at* some ugly or disturbing (but
supportable) things.  I'm sure you would not find anything beauty at a
complete hearing (840 times!!) of Satie's "Vexations".

>>>(Besides, no matter what I do, if I call this singing a plague: I won't
>>>change the way this bird sings.)
>>To call it "a plague" is just the first step.  The second is buying a cat.
>Hey, aren't you the guy who called the above mentioned poem cynical?

That's what some people do, not what I do myself.

>>>Or the Taoist would just write a little poem:
>>>Every song of every bird,
>>>every music of every composer
>>>is alright with me.
>>My granny used to say: "don't trust someone who is friend of everybody".
>You misinterpret my poem because your reading and thinking is very

Agree.  However, misinterpretations of poems don't exist.  Every
interpretation is necessary and beautiful in its own way.

>I am not friend of everybody: I just don't have enemies and
>do not need some

Well, you are my friend.  Don't you remember that proverb of Blake?:  "true
friendship is opposition".  ;-)

>and I see use and necessity in every kind of music but do
>not have to listen to it at home.

I think different.  I don't see any use in music, and I just see the
necessity (my necessity, of course) only of the music that I enjoy now.
But these are only opinions.  They may change tomorrow, as myself.

Pablo Massa
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