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George Myers <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
HISTORICAL ARCHAEOLOGY <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 3 Oct 2002 17:13:53 -0400
text/plain (277 lines)
Dear colleagues:

I received this notice today and thought to share it with you. I have read
some of General Systems Theory, starting with the Whole Earth Catalog,
meeting a friend of Ludwig von Bertalanffy, the Chairperson of Educational
Administration, R. Oliver Gibson at the New York State University in
Buffalo/Amherst, our temporary President of the College of Visual and
Performing Arts, and exposed again to GST while in class as an undergraduate
and graduate student with Edward P. Lanning, an archaeologist at the New
York State University at Stony Brook. I am sure it would be a valuable
addition to your library's holdings, if you are involved in making those

Gerald Midgley <[log in to unmask]>
To:    Systems-All <[log in to unmask]>,
Sysval<[log in to unmask]>, Bertalanffy Mailing
List<[log in to unmask]>, Health Voice
Network<[log in to unmask]>
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I am writing to you having just finished editing a four-volume set of books
on Systems Thinking, reprinting classic and contemporary writings from the
early 20th Century to the present day. 76 papers are reprinted in total, and
the books also include an extensive introduction to the development of the
systems idea, charting a variety of debates and paradigm shifts that have
taken place over the course of nearly one hundred years. The books will be
published by Sage in February 2003.

I have been helped in the task of editing this collection by an
International Advisory Board of 47 distinguished writers in our field. As
far as I am aware, this is the most comprehensive set of readings on systems
thinking ever published. Full details of the contents and the membership of
the International Advisory Board can be found in the material I have pasted
below this message.

I am letting you know about these books because I believe it is vital to get
them into as many University libraries as possible as a resource for future
generations of students and systems practitioners. They will be especially
valuable for libraries that do not have extensive collections of systems
journals. I am therefore hoping that you will consider asking your own
University library (or any other library you are in contact with) to buy a
copy of this four-volume set.

If you ask your library to place an order before February 2003, they can
obtain it at the discounted price of £450 (UK Pounds). After February, the
price will rise to £500. My one regret is that this collection is really too
expensive for individuals to purchase, but by getting it into as many
libraries as possible we can ensure that a wide range of systems ideas are
made accessible to both new readers and those wanting to broaden their
knowledge of the systems field.

All the details you need to purchase the books can be found below. Please
send orders directly to Sage Publications at the address in the attachment
rather than to me.

Thank you very much for considering this, and if I can provide any more
information about this four-volume set, just let me know.

Best wishes,
Gerald Midgley

Dr. Gerald Midgley
Centre for Systems Studies
Business School
University of Hull
Hull, HU6 7RX, UK

Tel: +(0)1482 466632
Fax: +(0)1482 466644
[log in to unmask]
Centre for Systems Studies web site: http://www.hull.ac.uk/hubs/css/

Four-Volume Set

Edited by Gerald Midgley, University of Hull

Systems Thinking brings together classic and contemporary writings that
cross the entire breadth of the systems field. The Four-Volume Set includes
the most influential theoretical papers, as well as applications in domains
as diverse as global environmental modelling, business strategy, public
sector planning, community care, family therapy, and the management of

Key critiques of the leading writers allow the researcher to understand how
and why paradigm breaks took place, and to grasp the extraordinary
diversification of systems theory and practice we see today.

Systems Thinking will be an essential reference for all libraries of
business, management and organization studies.

International Advisory Board
Peter Allen, Cranfield University, UK
Bela H Banathy, Saybrook Institute, USA & International Systems Institute,
Kenneth Bausch, Institute for 21st Century Agoras
Richard Bawden, Michigan State University, USA
Søren Brier, Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Denmark
David Campbell, Tavistock Clinic, UK
Fritjof Capra, Center for Ecoliteracy, USA
Peter Checkland, Lancaster University, UK
José Córdoba, University of Hull, UK
Peter Corning, Institute for the Study of Complex Systems, USA
Donald de Raadt, Luleå University, Sweden
Eric Dent, University of Maryland, University College, USA
Peter Dudley, Integra Management Systems Ltd., UK
Robert Flood, Maastricht University, The Netherlands
Joyce Fortune, Open University, UK
Wojciech Gasparski, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish
Academy of Sciences, Poland
Wendy Gregory, University of Hull, UK
Jifa Gu, Japan Advanced Institute for Science and Technology, Japan &
Institute of Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Enrique Herrscher, IDEA, Argentina
Kristo Ivanov, Umea University, Sweden
Mike Jackson, University of Hull, UK
James Kay, University of Waterloo, Canada
Lisl Klein, Bayswater Institute, UK
George Klir, Binghampton University, USA
Ervin Laszlo, Club of Budapest, Hungary
Harold Linstone, Portland State University, USA
Sid Luckett, University of Natal, South Africa
Gianfranco Minati, Italian Systems Society, Italy
John Mingers, Warwick University, UK
Heiner Muller Merbach, Universität Kaiserslautern, Germany
P N Murthy, Tata Consultancy Services, India
Yoshiteru Nakamori, Japan Advanced Institute for Science and Technology,
Harold Nelson, Advance Design Institute, USA
Roger Packham, University of Western Sydney, Australia
Yong Pil Rhee, Seoul National University, South Korea
Kurt Richardson, Institute for the Study of Coherence and Emergence, USA
Fenton Robb, Independent Author, UK
Ricardo Rodríguez-Ulloa, Instituto Andino de Sistemas, Peru
Simanta Roy-Chowdhury, Barnet, Enfield and Harringay NHS Trust, UK &
University of East London, UK
John Sterman, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Sytse Strijbos, Free University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Stuart Umpleby, George Washington University, USA
John Van Gigch, California State University, USA
John Warfield, George Mason University, USA
Jennifer Wilby, University of York, UK
Eric Wolstenholme, Cognitus Ltd., UK
Maurice Yolles, Liverpool John Moores University, UK

\A A Bogdanov - The Historical Necessity and Scientific Feasibility of
Tektology \ L von Bertalanffy - General System Theory \ K Boulding - General
Systems Theory: The Skeleton of Science \ A D Hall and R E Fagen -
Definition of a System \ J H Marchal - On the Concept of a System \ M Bunge
- General Systems and Holism \ E Laszlo - Systems Philosophy \ P K M'Pherson
- A Perspective on Systems Science and Systems Philosophy \ C Emmeche, S
Køppe and F Stjernfelt - Explaining Emergence: Towards an Ontology of Levels
\ J G Miller - Living Systems: Basic Concepts \ L R Troncale - The Future of
General Systems Research: Obstacles, Potentials and Case Studies \ N Weiner
- Cybernetics \ C E Shannon - A Mathematical Theory of Communication \ W R
Ashby - Requisite Variety and Its Implications for the Control of Complex
Systems \ G Bateson - Form, Substance and Difference \ W Weaver - Science
and Complexity \ H A Simon - The Architecture of Complexity \ I Prigogine -
Exploring Complexity \ M Gell-Mann - Complex Adaptive Systems \

\ T Parsons - Evolutionary Universals in Society \ G Bateson, D D Jackson, J
Haley and J Weakland - Toward a Theory of Schizophrenia \ R Swenson -
Emergent Attractors and the Law of Maximum Entropy Production: Foundations
to a Theory of General Evolution \ H T Odum - Self-Organization,
Transformity and Information \ J E Lovelock - Gaia \ J W Forrester -
Counterintuitive Behavior of Social Systems \ J D W Morecroft - Rationality
in the Analysis of Behavioral Simulation Models \ D H Meadows, D L Meadows
and J Randers - Beyond the Limits: An Executive Summary \ F E Kast and J E
Rosenzweig - General Systems Theory: Applications for Organization and
Management \ G M Jenkins - The Systems Approach \ A D Hall -
Three-Dimensional Morphology of Systems Engineering \ E S Quade and H J
Miser - The Context, Nature and Use of Systems Analysis \ S Beer - The
Viable System Model: Its Provenance, Development, Methodology and Pathology
\ F Emery - Characteristics of Socio-Technical Systems \ J Fortune and G
Peters - The Formal System Paradigm for Studying Failures \ I R Hoos -
Engineers as Analysts of Social Systems: A Critical Enquiry \ R Lilienfeld -
Systems Theory as an Ideology \ G Morgan - Cybernetics and Organization
Theory: Epistemology or Technique? \ P M Allen - Dynamic Models of Evolving
Systems \

\ H von Foerster - The Cybernetics of Cybernetics \ E von Glasersfeld -
Reconstructing the Concept of Knowledge \ H Maturana - Reality: The Search
for Objectivity or the Quest for a Compelling Argument \ N Luhmann - The
Autopoiesis of Social Systems \ R Fuenmayor - The Roots of Reductionism: A
Counter-Ontoepistemology for a Systems Approach \ R Fuenmayor - The
Self-Referential Structure of an Everyday-Living Situation: A
Phenomenological Ontology for Interpretive Systemology \ V E Cronen, K M
Johnson and J W Lannamann - Paradoxes, Double Binds and Reflexive Loops: An
Alternative Theoretical Perspective \ M Palazzoli Selvini, L Boscolo, G
Cechin and G Prata - Hypothesizing - Circularity - Neutrality: Three
Guidelines for the Conductor of the Session \ L Hoffman - A Constructivist
Position for Family Therapy \ H Anderson and H A Goolishian - Human Systems
as Linguistic Systems: Preliminary and Evolving Ideas about the Implications
for Clinical Theory \ G Vickers - Human Systems are Different \ C W
Churchman - Operations Research as a Profession \ I I Mitroff, J R Emshoff
and R H Kilmann - Assumptional Analysis: A Methodology for Strategic Problem
Solving \ J N Warfield and S M Staley - Structural Thinking: Organizing
Complexity through Disciplined Activity \ R L Ackoff - Resurrecting the
Future of Operational Research \ P Checkland - From Optimizing to Learning:
A Development of Systems Thinking for the 1990s \ P M Senge - The Leader's
New Work: Building Learning Organizations \ J D Sterman - Learning in and
about Complex Systems \ J A M Vennix - Group Model Building: Tackling Messy
Problems \ R Espejo and R J Harnden - The VSM: An Ongoing Conversation \

\ J Mingers - Towards an Appropriate Social Theory for Applied Systems
Thinking: Critical Theory and Soft Systems Methodology \ W Ulrich - Critical
Heuristics of Social Systems Design \ G Midgley, I Munlo and M Brown - The
Theory and Practice of Boundary Critique: Developing Housing Services for
Older People \ J P van Gigch - A Methodological Comparison of the Science,
Systems and Metasystems Paradigms \ M C Jackson and P Keys - Towards a
System of Systems Methodologies \ M C Jackson - The Origins and Nature of
Critical Systems Thinking \ R L Flood and M C Jackson - Total Systems
Intervention: A Practical Face to Critical Systems Thinking \ G Midgley -
What is this Thing called CST? \ W J Gregory - Discordant Pluralism: A New
Strategy for Critical Systems Thinking \ N Romm - Inquiry and Intervention
in Systems Planning: Probing Methodological Rationalities \ K C Bausch - The
Habermas\Luhmann Debate and Subsequent Habermasian Perspectives on Systems
Theory \ R Bawden - Valuing the Epistemic in the Search for Betterment: The
Nature and Role of Critical Learning Systems \ J D R de Raadt - Multi-Modal
Systems Design: A Concern for the Issues that Matter \ H A Linstone and Z
Zhu - Towards Synergy in Multiperspective Management: An American-Chinese
Case \ J Mingers and J Brocklesby - Multimethodology: Towards a Framework
for Mixing Methodologies \ K Tomm - Interventive Interviewing: Intending to
Ask Lineal, Circular, Strategic, or Reflexive Questions? \ C Flaskas and C
Humphreys - Theorizing about Power: Intersecting the Ideas of Foucault with
the `Problem' of Power in Family Therapy \ V Goldner, P Penn, M Sheinberg
and G Walker - Love and Violence: Gender Paradoxes in Volatile Attachments

SAGE Library in Business and Management

December 2002 · 1664 pages   Cloth (0-7619-4959-3) · £445.00  - Special
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