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geoff carver <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
HISTORICAL ARCHAEOLOGY <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 6 Mar 2001 22:31:14 +0100
text/plain (70 lines)
i am sending a copy of the following letter to:

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there are a few other alternatives out there, too, but look kind of scary -
        could everyone else please also send in copies of this or something
similar so i'm not the only one getting hate-mail...?

On Tuesday, October 17, 2000 in an Official Statement, Abdul Hakeem Mujahid,
Permanent Representative-Designate to the United Nations of the Islamic Emirate
of Afghanistan in New York said: "The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan condemns
any and all acts of terrorism in the strongest possible terms. As knowing
victims of terrorism ourselves, we consider terrorism inhuman and cowardly in
any form and have taken all possible measures against it."
        The rest of the world views the Islamic Emirate's recent decision to
destroy all statues in Afghanistan to be an act of cultural terrorism -
"inhumane and cowardly" - in this and any form, and that far from taking "all
possible measures against it" is actually - despite international condemnation -
the cause of a senseless and shameful act.
An article published in the Internet Edition of Dharb-i-Mumin Volume 2 Issue 41
(dated 06 - 13 Zilhaja 1421 [Hijri], 02-09 March 2001), states that:

The Islamic Emirate has directed the ministry of information and culture that
complying with the shar`ee verdict of the supreme court, all the idols must be
destroyed completely so that nobody can worship or respect them in the future."

This contravenes Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which
states that:

Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this
right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either
alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his
religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.

The same Dharb-i-Mumin article goes on to say that:

Brushing aside the allegations made by Japan, Srilanka and United Nations,
Hazrat Ameer-ul-Mumineen said: "Our decision is in accordance with Islamic

a view which conflicts with the views of Islamic clerics and politicians in
Egypt, Iran and Saudi Arabia.
        It is also widely recognized within the world community that cultural
objects are not the possessions of any one people or state, but are to be held
in trust for mankind as a whole and future generations. These concepts have been
formulated in a number of international treaties and agreements, such as the
1990 Charter for the Protection and Management of the Archaeological Heritage:

It is widely recognized that a knowledge and understanding of the origins and
development of human societies is of fundamental importance to humanity in
identifying its cultural and social roots.

The archaeological heritage constitutes the basic record of past human
activities. Its protection and proper management is therefore essential to
enable archaeologists and other scholars to study and interpret it on behalf of
and for the benefit of present and future generations.

Destruction of these works of art - of human labor - are truly acts of
barbarism. The world is truly a poorer place for their loss, and one cannot see
how such a mindless act of violence could help the Afghani people deal with any
of the many problems which now plague them.

geoff carver
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