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"Robert L. Schuyler" <[log in to unmask]>
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HISTORICAL ARCHAEOLOGY <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 19 Nov 2001 18:55:31 -0500
text/plain (79 lines)
Mike & Colleagues:

        Some of the ideas being expressed on dues and the Electronic
Age are interesting; however, many of us consider the SHA NEWSLETTER
in the same category as the journal. It is a major research tool which
we save in our libraries. I would hate to try to either read it on
the computer or print it out. Does not make sense to me at all.

        Perhaps a different - ephemeral NEWS NOTE could be make just
for the computer with a summary of very current news (e.g. SHA Election
results, conference dates, emergency messages from the SHA leadership)
with its own editor. This would help those overseas who suffer from
surface mail. Many of these items, at the same time, would still be
needed as part of the permanent record in the NEWSLETTER.

        A deeper issue is the "use only" concept. I should only pay
for what I use. This is a very BAD idea in an organization like SHA.
We must all equally share all the expenses of the Society for
Historical Archaeology (as well as putting in volunteer time) or SHA,
and all similar organizations, will not survive.

        I belong to many organziations under which I never attend
their annual meetings (e.g. Pioneer America Society, CAMP, Society
for Post-Medieval Archaeology). I have never begrudged the fact that
part of my dues goes to run these organizations and gives their primary
or locally based members I can not enjoy. If the societies did not
exist neither would their journals which I do enjoy.

                                        Bob Schuyler

At 08:55 AM 11/19/2001 -0700, you wrote:
>Thanks for your comments below.  We are making some progress on the very
>things you mention below.  Costs are somewhat lowered by on-line
>transactions, mostly for the member.  We do see charges for credit card
>processing and paperwork is still generated on this end....having someone
>review charges before they are debited or credited probably will be
>essential for a while yet.  As for the idea about the newsletter, I
>personally think it would be a good idea.  A new newsletter editor will
>take over next year and it may be the time to experiment with putting NL
>I will forward your comments on to the powers-that-be for their
>At 08:05 AM 11/18/2001 -0500, you wrote:
>>As I navigated through the SHA Web site to renew my membership and pay out
>>an additional $20, the thought occurred to me to ask why SHA does not more
>>readily adapt to the electronic world to cut its costs and the costs passed
>>on to its members By paying my dues electronically, I have eliminated
>>another piece of paper arriving via the USPS. A payment system is possible
>>that eliminates most processing by the SHA. I also would elect to receive my
>>newsletters in Adobe PDF format if the option were available. Renewal
>>notices and election information: send them along electronically, too.
>>Is there any way for the SHA to explore a sliding dues structure to cut the
>>dues for folks who elect to conduct their business with the organization and
>>who are amenable to electronic publications (I like my Historical
>>Archaeology in its traditional paper format just fine!)? Membership in the
>>SHA is worth every penny, I just think that with the increasing options for
>>paper to electronic conversion, the costs do not need to keep increasing.
>>David Rotenstein.
Robert L. Schuyler
University of Pennsylvania Museum
33rd & Spruce Streets
Philadelphia, PA l9l04-6324

Tel: (215) 898-6965
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