Society for Post-Medieval Archaeology Conference
Department of Archaeology, Southampton University, 18-20 April 2002
Keynote Speaker
Ø Professor Peter Borsay 'Polite Urban Space'
Ø Historical Archaeology and the Emerging Modern City
Ø The Social World of Urban Places
Ø The Material World of Urban Places
i) Buildings and urban landscape
ii) Things
Ø Urban Places in a global context
i) Europe
ii) Beyond Europe
Ø Resource issues: preserving the recent past
Ø Visits: the post-medieval and historical archaeology of Southampton.
Further contributions are invited on archaeological and historical
approaches to the development of large towns and cities in Britain, Europe
and the World, 1500-2000. The conference will examine all aspects of urban
life during the last five hundred years, with particular attention to
international contexts and comparisons, to generate comparative perspectives
on the relationship between urban places and the wider world.
Themes include: the longevity of medieval cities, questions of modernisation
and globalisation, the role of urban places in regional contexts, industrial
cities, planned towns, international interactions and colonial contexts.
Specific topics include: the urban landscape, domestic, institutional and
commercial buildings, material culture studies, social interactions, civic
culture, migrations, health and death.
Abstracts (400 words maximum) for a twenty-minute paper or a ten-minute
"work-in-progress" report should be sent to Dr Adrian Green or Dr Roger
Leech before 1 December 2001. Please include a title for the paper, author's
name, address, telephone and fax numbers and email address. Accepted papers
will be required by 1st February 2002. The proceeedings will be published by
the Society.
For further details contact Adrian Green, Dept History, Durham University,
43 North Bailey, Durham DH1 3EX [log in to unmask]; Roger Leech, Dept
Archaeology, Southampton University, Highfield, Southampton SO17 1BJ
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