Deryk Barker noted the re-release on Naxos of Rubinstein's 2nd symphony
(Ocean), originally on Marco Polo. It's worth mentioning that other
versions of the symphony I've encountered have been missing a movement or
two: at over 70 minutes, the full symphony was once beyond the technology
for a single LP. The 1st symphony (with Ivan the Terrible) and the violin
concerto (with Cui's Suite Concertante) have already been re-released on
Naxos, presumably to be followed by the other four symphonies. I notice
that Raff's 1st is listed in the 2002 catalogue to appear before the end of
the year. For lovers of the Romantic period - and there don't seem to be
many of us at MCML recently if the relevant traffic is anything to go by -
pleasures in store.
A couple of other watery works that I think haven't been mentioned yet:
Glazunov's The Sea, and the Belgian composer Gilson's The Sea.
Richard Pennycuick
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