On Fri, 25 Jan 2002 16:54:37 -0500, Zachary Huang <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>Do you know if this is ever published?
It was Dr.M.V.Smith who gave me this information. I don't think it was
published and I am not even sure if it was Dr. Smith who did the research.
However I do believe it was done at Guelph so if it was not done by him it
would have been one of his colleagues. Dr. Smith said the idea for the
experiment came about when a foundation manufacturer started to produce
drone foundation with the theory that it would make better comb for honey
supers. I don't know enough about the history of beekeeping in North
America to know when that was.
I am sorry to be so hearsayish. I notice all the pros on this list back up
their statements with footnotes, maybe a website or two and even italicized
latin. It is said a wise father burns his report cards and all my notes
from Guelph went up in smoke with the report cards.