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Douglas Armstrong <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
HISTORICAL ARCHAEOLOGY <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 6 Feb 2002 12:19:59 -0700
text/plain (83 lines)

The annual SHA nominations and elections process is now underway and your
input is requested:

In 2002, the SHA membership will elect persons to fill the following
positions: President (2004), Secretary Treasurer (2003-2005), two SHA
Directors (2003-2005),), two Nominations and Elections Committee Members
(2003), and two members of the Advisory Council on Underwater Archaeology
(ACUA) (2003-2005).

For 2002, the SHA nominations process is being carried out by a committee
chaired by the immediate past president (Douglas Armstrong,
[log in to unmask]), and composed of the two SHA directors who have
just completed their terms at the January 2002 annual meeting (LuAnn
DeCunzo, [log in to unmask], and Larry McKee, [log in to unmask]) and
the two elected committee members for 2002 (Charles Cheek,
[log in to unmask] , and Richard Veit, [log in to unmask]).
This committee will work to develop a slate for SHA Board approval, taking
into consideration the suggestions of the membership.   The committee asks
your assistance in identifying individuals who are willing to serve the
Society.  The committee will work to develop a slate that represents the
broadest cross-section of the society in terms of ethnicity, gender,
geographic region (including international representation), and employment

A committee chaired by Paul Johnston, the ACUA Committee nominations chair,
and including two ACUA committee members, develops the slate of ACUA
nominees and provides it for inclusion in the overall SHA slave of

After the slate has been developed, it is presented to the SHA Board of
Directors for discussion, possible notification, and approval.  The
combined slates are published in the summer issue of the Newsletter and
posed on the SHA website.

Nominees are asked to prepare responses to a series of questions so that
members can make an informed decision.  Nominee statements, including their
responses to these questions, will appear with the ballot in late summer.

Who is Chosen to Run for Office?  Persons who agree to run for office must
be current SHA members and agree to abide by the bylaws of the Society for
Historical Archaeology, including Article VII – “Ethical Provisions”.  In
addition, they should have experience in and a solid understanding of the
field of archaeology.  Each candidate must be willing to devote time and
effort on behalf of the SHA.  Prior service to the society is taken into
consideration, but is not a prerequisite for a person’s nomination.

Member Input into the Nominations Process.  There are two ways that members
can participate in the nominations process: (1) you can submit names to the
committee; and (2) you can make nominations “from the floor”.

(1) Suggest Names to the Committee.  If you would like to submit names for
the committee’s consideration for the 2002 slate of candidates, please
contact any member of the Nominations and Elections Committee or the ACUA
nomination committee chair (see above names and email addresses).

(2) Nominations “From the Floor.”  There is another way that the society
members can have input into the composition of the slate – by nomination
individuals “from the floor” for any of the positions up for election in a
particular year.   According to the Society’s bylaws. A name can be added
for any position on the approved slate if that person’s nomination is
supported by five (5) SHA members in good standing.  You may use the form
included here to submit nominations from the floor, or individual letters
containing the same information may be submitted in support of a particular
individual.  All completed nominations from the floor must be received by
the chair of the Nominations and Elections Committee no later than 15 June
2002 (see form for complete address and contact information).  The chair of
the committee will add to the slate the names of the individuals nominated
from the floor.  These individuals will also be asked to respond to the
same series of questions as the other nominees.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Douglas Armstrong,
Nominations Committee Chair ([log in to unmask]).

The Spring SHA Newsletter will have details concerning the election and a
form for nominations from the floor.  Douglas Armstrong, chair of the
Nominations and Elections Committee, must receive all completed nomination
forms by no later than 15, June 2002 at the following address:
Anthropology Department, 209 Maxwell Hall, Syracuse University, Syracuse,
New York, 13244.  If you have any questions contact Doug at
[log in to unmask] , phone: (315-443-2405, fax: (315) 443-4860.