Just the beginnings of a list (haven't heard all of these by any means) of
some that I don't think have been mentioned yet:
Vagn Holmboe violin concerto #3 1978-9
George Lloyd violin concerto #1 1970, violin concerto #2 1977
Einar Englund violin concerto (1981)
Eero Hameenniemi violin concerto (1990-1)
Rautavaara violin concerto (1977)
Andrei Eshpai violin concerto #2 "To the Memory of Nicolai Miaskovskii"
(1977), violin concerto #3 (1990-2), violin concerto #4 (1994)
Laurent Mettraux violin concerto #2 (1998) (one of Mettraux' violin
concerti, poss. this one, was on Swedish P2 a while back; I wasn't
terribly impressed but it was ok.)
and so forth.
-Eric Schissel