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Fri, 28 Dec 2001 17:14:06 +0000
Donald Satz <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (94 lines)
  Buxtehude and his Pupils
      Solo Organ Works

Dietrich Buxtehude:
Ciacona in C minor
Mit Fried und Freud ich fahr dahin
Praeludium in A minor

Johann Sebastian Bach:
Chorale Preludes BWV 600-604-614-639-646
Trio Sonata in E flat major, BWV 525

Nicolaus Bruhns
Praeludium in E minor, No. 2

Danacord 477
Recorded June 1997
Christensen Organ in Nibe, Denmark(1995)Buxtehude
Christensen Organ in Hobro, Denmark(1994)Bach/Bruhns
Hans Helmut Tillmanns, Organ
TT 58:15

Sumary Rating: B

I have already reviewed three discs from Hans Helmut Tillmanns, and the
results have been mixed.  Tillmanns has a strong penchant for legato
readings which does not line up well with organ works needing strong
articulation and sharpness.  Therefore, the type of music of Tillmanns
programs attains prime importance.

For the current disc under review, Tillmanns selects Bach chorale preludes
which are just right for his legato approach; these performances are
easily the best on the disc.  The other works, although well done, do not
play into his strengths and are improved on through many other recorded
versions.  Overall, the disc is quite enjoyable but definitely not an
essential purchase.

Some specifics are as follows:

Bach Trio Sonata in E flat major, BWV 525 - Tillmanns performs very well
in each movement but never scales the heights.  He captures the bounce
and exuberance of the first movement but yields to folks like Kevin Bowyer
who are quicker and more exuberant.  The excitement Bowyer generates in
the third movement is also greater than with Tillmanns.  In the second
movement, Tillmanns is quite slow in the eight-minute range; although
effective, he's no match for the equally slow paced Werner Jacobs who is
more poignant and uses delicious registrations.

I must sound like I'm knocking Tillmann's BWV 525; it's just that the 'last
ounce' is never achieved.  On the other hand, each movement is rewarding
and plenty of alternative versions can't make that claim.

Bruhns Prelude & Fugue in E minor(the larger) - I just happen to have a
sensational interpretation from William Porter on Loft Recordings.  Porter
performs on an historic organ from Denmark which mixes sweetness, elegance,
color, and power into an exceptional package.  Porter has command of the
instrument and imbues each section of the work with its unique flavor.
This is where Tillmanns comes up short; his registrations are less diverse,
and the special character of each section doesn't come through.  Tillmanns
also uses a very smooth legato, and it makes for a less interesting

However, Tillmanns more than equals Porter in the majestic beginning of
the Prelude.  Porter is massive, while Tillmanns is sinister with a clarity
that's very unusual for him.  This beginning is magic in Tillmann's hands.
Unfortunately, the remainder of the performance is earth-bound.

Bach Chorales - Tillmanns is excellent in these pieces.  He has selected
chorales which are very well suited to his smoothly legato nature.  He's
best in BWV 600 with his exceptionally swirling upper voices and in BWV
604 where he rivals Simon Preston's nobility and beauty.  In the Schubler
Chorale BWV 646, Tillmanns well captures the fleeing of the sinners to God.
Overall, this is Tillmanns at his best and so much better than on another
Danacord cd where his selection of Bach chorales went against his grain.

Buxtehude Pieces - Although Tillmanns performs these three works very
well and with a high degree of lyricism, his strongly legato counterpoint
is contrary to the requirements of articulation that are so important in
Buxtehude's organ music.  This deficiency is most pronounced in the Ciacona
which thrives on a pronounced articulation of voices; Tillmanns uses far
too much legato and blurrs the distinctions among the voices.  To put it
mildly, Tillmanns and Buxtehude are not a great match.

Don's Conclusions:  Any Baroque organ enthusiast who craves power and
angularity will likely be disappointed in this Tillmanns disc.  His
programmed organ selections are excellent concerning the Bach chorale
preludes, but the remainder of the program provides little in the way of
distinction.  Also, the Tillmanns registrations are nothing to write home
about and the total music time is on the short end.  My overall
recommndation is a qualified one.

Don Satz
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