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Noel Dowling <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 13 Jan 2001 21:52:47 EST
text/plain (37 lines)
[log in to unmask] writes:

>Actually, I find his latest editorial quite boring.  I much prefer when
>he's going *bananas* over some subject.  That's when he's interesting.
>Freedom of the Press and free speech are subjects which have been
>exhausted; also, Vroon's idea of free speech is very self-serving.

I wrote for ARG for over a dozen years.  I lasted about 6 months after
Vroon took it over.  I quit in disgust.  I simply could not, and cannot,
abide his narrow-mindedness or his use of the editorial pencil to
eviscerate opinions with which he is not in agreement.

While I remain immensely grateful that he and his sidekick Don Hazzard
have not only saved the mag from extinction but also have expanded it,
I consider Vroon to be a narrow-minded egocentric who will not deign to
be confused by the facts once he has made up his mind.

Like another contributor to this List, I think he is best when he is in
high dudgeon.  Otherwise, he is as bland and as enervating as elevator

Vroon is altogether in favor of the free expression of opinions so long as
they do not wander too far from his own.

BUT, and this is a very important BUT, unlike the editors of certain other
allegedly unbiased record review magazines, Vroon cannot be bought, he is
not "on the take", and he dangles no carrots in front of any donkeys.  His
critics tell it as they hear it, no matter who advertises and how many
full pages they may buy.  Discs are reviewed regularly and fairly without
consideration of whether the companies that have released them or the
artists who have recorded them have bought advertisements in ARG.

For that, to paraphrase what Doctor Delany exclaimed after he heard Mrs.
Cibber sing "He was despised", may all of Vroon's sins be forgiven.
