Aaron Rabushka sees Bernard Haitink as:
>> ...one of the most terminally sober of all conductors.
And Deryk Barker replies:
>Only in the studio. Some of his live recordings - the Kerstmatinee
>Mahler box contains several examples - are electric.
I spent a hefty sum (N3.5) for a CD with a meager 44 minutes of music that,
even so, I'd hate to be without: it's Haitink conducting Frank Martin,
live. My fave rendering (/Decroos) of the Cello Concerto -- and I've got
Ansermet/Fournier -- as well as a most poetic The Four Elements (Preludio
PRL 2147).
'Don't know if the players are standing or sitting, or if Haitink is sober
or blissfully otherwise, but this is on my short list for that desert
Bert Bailey