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Mats Norrman <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 1 Oct 2000 19:52:07 +0100
text/plain (67 lines)
I like much Nielsens symphonies, which there are really quality in, and
I wonder what such an interesting writer/listener to the 20th century
repertoire as Satoshi Akima would have to say about his 6th symphony, which
really is an awesome attempt to grow in the 20th century sun in the soil of
the old masters.  Quirky piece!

I just sat listening to various recordings that were made on Paavo Jaervi's
and the Malmoe Symphony Orchestra's tournee through Germany with the
trombonist Christian Lindberg some years ago, and my feelings about them
are mixed.

Cristian Lindberg is of course a splendid Trombonist, known for two things;
his mastery of keeping a nice timbre even in such powerful outbursts that
for example "Le Sacre du Printemps" can demand, and his conventionalism.
The latter which to take sign in his way of offering everything to get
himself worldwide known in the podiums light:  he is always seeking for
fitting compositions to play with his instrument.  He takes what he can
find in everything from 20th century to Classicist repertoire.  He has had
for example Luciano Berio and Yannis Xenakis to write for him, and can he
not find anyone to write for him, he does it himself, or just steal the
material where he finds it, like when he picked up an orchestral piece of
Michael Haydn, and turned it into his "own" Tromboneconcert in D-major,
which by the way both BIS and Sterling took interest in.  And why shouldn't
they, when his playing is so genial both intellectually and emotionally

Lindberg got much fine criticism for his highly interesting interpretations
of among others Stenhammar, Paert, and Nielsen in Germany.  Imagine that
concertprogram, you who talk about modern musics presence in modern
concerts!  No Haydn Beethoven or Brahms here!  No no!

Lindberg does usually good in the 20th century repertoire, and so does
Paavo Jaervi (the son of Neeme Jaervi BTW).  His Sjostakovitj 10 with the
Royal Philharmonics last year, a concert which I had the luck to attend,
was superb - overpowering!  Also his Bartok was very brightly taken.  And
now to his Nielsen.  I wanted to know if other listmembers have heard any
of his Nielsen, or if not, just anything with this conductor, and then your
opinions of it.  The live German recordings of Nielsen were taken with wit
and authority, and the Malmoe Symphony Orchestra was in top form.  Best I
liked the 6th symphony "Sinfonia Semplice" of the Nielsen set.  This is a
difficult work both to play and to listen to, but I must say this was the
first time the "proposta seria" actually made sence to me, and even more
genial it felt to hear how Nielsen through Jaervis hands transforms one
of the variations into a bittersweet waltz.  That passage is just genial.
The piece is however a good chance for the trombonist to show his skill,
and so is the 2nd symphony.  But that one is the sets disappointment to
me.  If the 6th is clear and logic, this one made not much sence in some
passages, and Lindberg sounds to play the cholerican, the phlegmatician,
the malincholian and the sanguinican in their musical translations Allegro,
Allegro commodo, Andante and Allegro, like if it was a second rate trombone
showpiece and not the pretentious symphonic work Nielsens 2nd really is.
The 5th symphony made a very good impression on me also - especially the
great fugue was clear and convincing.

But I am looking for others opinions.  To me the 2nd symphony "The four
Temperaments" was a disappointment, and I was said it had to be that way,
when the rest of what I have heard from these forces were so immense
beautifully done, with wit and love.  And that goes not just for Nielsen!
Paert, who also was on the program, was mediocre, but OTOH Stenhammar
completely knocked my socks off!

I wish however to hear more from these forces, See what it can be; Paerts
"Fratres" perhaps...?

Mats Norrman
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