> considered a serious pest to a strong hive of bees. I ask you how these
> arachinids are going to pull adult varroa off adult bees when they hid
> in cracks of hives? How are they going to bypass nurse bees and pull
> varroa off larva being maintained by nurse bees when they live in corner
> cracks of hives? I can't blame you for grabbing the research money and
> heading to south Africa. I wouldn't mind going myself with our below
> zero weather in Missouri. I remain very very skeptical.
My thoughts would be that they took advantage of fallen mites to gain a
quick snack.
The Libertarian Party does not have the answers to all of your problems...
But they are at least honest enough to say so.
AA4YU http://www.beekeeper.orghttp://www.q7.net