Chris Bonds wrote:
>Harry Warschauer wrote:
>You mean they say "Bark?" But it reminds me the Russians pronounce it
>something like "Bah-ha". Can anyone who speaks Russian explain this?
But with a British accent wouldn't Bach come out sounding like "bark?" The
correct German pronunciation is with a gutteral h, no? Like "ich"
As to the Russian pronunciation, my Russian wife tells me that the name
itself is pronounced like the German, with a respirated h sound with a
touch of hkhk gutteral sound like the Spanish j. Not an h but not a k
either. But in the case of Russian, you have cases, so you hear what
sounds like Bah-ha because the ending of the word Bach has to be modified
according to its grammatical context. Below are some other Russian
versions of JSB's name:
Baha I like to play Baha
Bahom We went to the restaurant with Bahum
Bahe We are talking about Bahe
Bahu Tell Bahu that he uses too many repeats
David Runnion