I have been asked to remove many Bumble bee hives over the past few
years and have done so without any aggression shown by the bees (
Until it was decided to make it illegal for beekeepers to remove
Bumble bees in UK ).
The hives are only between 40 - 150 in size and never once have I
ever been attacked by them when removing a hive.
As for Bumble bees stinging many times, I have never heard of this as
Vivian Donahue suggested, and any more information on this would be
Just a question for all UK beekeepers, Is it still the case that we
cannot remove Bumble bee nests as they are an endangered insect?
I have had to turn down removing over 30 in the past 2 years due to
the fact that I could be fined for doing it, but the counsel can come
along and put powder down to kill them!!!
Andy Sutherland
Oldham & DIstrict Beekeepers Association
Andy Sutherland E-Mail:- [log in to unmask]
Manchester University Tel:- 0161 275 4641
Electronics Section Fax:- 0161 275 4598
Chemistry Dept
M13 9PL