I drove home at 1pm today, and my head is swimming with all the ILCA sessions!
Usually your first conf is the best because it's all so new.  After that you
become more picky about topics, time, speakers, etc.  Not this time.  I attended
the last 3 and this was THE BEST - in my humble opinion. I'm now catching up on
the 'Net.

Pumping - I heard something at conf (Michael Woolrige?) that would apply.  It is
that the breasts always produce milk, some at greater speeds than others.  This
was evidenced by the relative capacity of breast size and the fact that size
alone could not account for the volume of milk needed for baby to grow & develop
properly.  Also that breasts have different storage capacities.  May be the
reason some can pump volumes and some pump little, yet both nourish healthy
babies.  He had a slide showing a chart with chest size across the top, cup size
down the side, and storage capacity of each at the junctions.  Not enough time
to copy it!

Rachael H.:  If you are receiving indiv messages, go to digest.  Instead of .10
to .14 per indiv message, you will pay that per digest - MUCH cheaper on

Judy K.:  Roberta will be home in Merida about Aug 10.  I was fortunate to have
her as a roomie at ILCA for 3 days, thanks to lactnet. Her manner is what I
would call the perfect doula: warm, soft-spoken, loving & very self-confident.
She made friends everywhere! She has been invited to L.A. to tour a WIC facility
that works primarily with Spanish-speaking moms; another invite to S.F. (I
think), and will return to Phx to sit for the IBLCE exam. She was very surprised
at how many lactnet people made a point of looking her up to meet her!

Karen Page:  I like your slogan:  Latch On To Life - Breastfeed!  Great for
bumper stickers &/or buttons!  OK to use it?

According to the syllabus:  the next conferences are:
July 11 - 14, 1996, Kansas City, MO.
July 3 -6, 1997, Washington D.C.
Start saving!

Phyllis Adamson, IBCLC
Phoenix, AZ