Hi all--

A radio story I just heard at approx 6:40  or 6:45am (it was over at 6:50 am)
EDT on USA's National Public Radio, and likely to be heard at anytime this am
at 20 minutes before the hour (even 8:40 again here on my radio) --

Story focused on the 24 hr discharge, AMA disapproval, some states (NJ)
legislation against etc. Some medical inaccuracies but no blame directed at

Bf only mentioned twice by name, essentially because it was taken as the
norm-- eg unnamed initially--"probs with jaundice and dehydration because
baby didn't get enough liquid" --quote from mom early in report who was
apparently bf but it was never mentioned, ie. what specific liquid was never
mentioned, baby readmitted for rx, (baby now doing fine btw p $ readmission),
and a later quote also mentioning increase in jaundice and dehydration
because mothers "don't know how to breastfeed properly."  Quote also from
Kaiser Southern Calif doc on 15 years research on 24 discharge showing no
problem *if* proper f/u, home visits, etc., and subsequent comment by
reporter distinguishing Kaiser approach to 24 hr discharge from those of
other for profits and other insurance co.'s that have no such safeguards.

Hope this note will let a couple more people hear it than wouldn't have.
