Configuring Your LISTSERV Site

This section allows server administrators to change the LISTSERV site configuration directly through the web interface. The configuration variables have been divided into 14 tabs according to their function.

My Configuration

This tab shows the current LISTSERV configuration. To edit the configuration variables from this tab, simply click the "Expand Configuration Variables" option.


This tab shows the most essential configuration options related to the LISTSERV domain and its setup, including:


This tab shows configuration options related to SMTP server connections and mail delivery, including:


This tab shows configuration options related to Distribute workers and Distribute jobs, including:


This tab shows DKIM options and allows you to enter a private key for DKIM.


This tab shows configuration options related to connecting LISTSERV with LDAP servers, including:

Web Interface

This tab shows configuration options related to the LISTSERV web interface, including:


This tab shows configuration options related to spam filtering, including:


This tab shows configuration options related to anti-virus protection, including:

Logs and Errors

This tab shows configuration options related to logs and error handling, including:


This tab shows configuration variables that allow you to fine-tune the operations of LISTSERV, including:


This tab shows DBMS-related configuration variables, including:


This tab shows debugging options, including:


This tab shows a summary of your license and allows you to enter a new License Activation Key.

Updating Your Site Configuration

To update your site configuration, click on the tab of your choice and locate the configuration variables that you want to change. Use the applicable pulldown menus and text boxes to make your changes, and then click the "Update" button. Some changes require a reload or restart, in which case you will be prompted accordingly.

To only show the configuration variables that are currently defined, simply click the "Show Only Currently Set Variables" option.

Clicking on an individual configuration variable brings out a screen with only that variable as well as a full description. If you know exactly which configuration variable you want to change, you can use the "Find or Add Variable" text box to access it.

When editing the site configuration through this interface, LISTSERV saves the new settings in a file named SITECFG.FILE. Settings stored in SITECFG.FILE take precedence over settings in the legacy site.cfg (on Windows systems) or go.user (on Unix systems) files. Configuration options that have not been changed using this interface will continue to be read from site.cfg or go.user. This ensures a seamless transition for sites to begin using this interface. In special cases, if you have edited a configuration setting through this interface and you want to revert back to the old setting in site.cfg or go.user, click on the configuration variable and then click the "Reset" button. You will be prompted to restart LISTSERV, after which the old setting from site.cfg or go.user will take effect again.

Note: Not all configuration variables are listed using "Basic Mode". For more information on these settings and to change to "Expert Mode, go to the General Preferences tab under Preferences.

LISTSERV® is L-Soft's email list management software, originally developed by Eric Thomas in 1986. Visit the LISTSERV® Resource Center for more complete documentation.

LISTSERV® is a registered trademark. The trademark identifies LISTSERV® as a brand of email list management software developed by L-Soft.