Susan writes:
"  1) A little pumping to keep oneself comfortable, potentially
prevents plugged ducts and mastitis ( I know, I had my share of them
with baby # one because I listened to someone who told me not to pump
because I would make more and more and more...)"

I must admit I used to worry that moms who pumped during the early days
postpartum were creating more oversupply problems for themselves.
Then I had my third child.
On day 3 I came down with a case of mastitis which was quickly cured by
child #2, one of the most enthusiastic breast pumps ever born.
My point is, removal of milk by other-than-the-newborn is exactly what's
happening whenever a mom tandem nurses, and the younger siblings thrive
under these conditions.

Marcia McCoy
freezing in sub-zero (Fahrenheit AND Celsius) Minnesota

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