Michelle wrote:

<I have a question about the nipple piercing idea.  Would the barbells
that the type of jewelry that would be used) remain in place when the
is nursing or would they be removed prior to the actual breastfeeding.
a mother of a young women with many piercings (not her nipples, she knew
better than that!!)  I have seen that these rings and barbells can come
loose and I would suppose possibly be sucked in by the baby.  =>

Heather wrote:

<There is a super article in the current Practising Midwife - not online
AFAIK : ( - which details a midwife's quest to help solve the problem of
mothers who want to bf, especially their prem babies, but who are
to remove their nipple rings. Leaving the nipple rings in means these
babies  can't feed....so she eventually discovered a solutiuon in a sex
shop! These shops sell tiny plastic nipple *bars*  with screw on balls at
the ends, worn instead of metal rings, and they can be removed for
sterisling  (unlike the metal rings which are soft metal and cannot be
autoclaved or put in solution.>

Two points:

Heather's example seems to be about mothers whose nipples themselves were
already pierced, and the original piece of jewelry was removed and
another put in place to keep the piercing open, I suppose.

For myself, after I had gone to all the trouble to have a baby, and then
the baby be born with the special risks of prematurity, I would certainly
not want to take even the tiniest risk that one of those little balls
would come unscrewed and end up in the baby's lung.

The original article that I quoted was an obstetrician's solution for
mothers with inverted nipples. He pierced the base of the nipple after
lifting the nipple itself outward, not the nipple itself. He too used
barbells to hold the tissue in place till tissue expansion could take
place. Erik Scholten, ME  PhD, writing in the July '99 Am J Obstet
Gynecol, pp. 228-9, wrote:

"Thus a continuously everted nipple can be achieved; it will remain
everted until suckling of the newborn baby begins, at which time the body
jewelry can be removed, although this is not strictly necessary." Again,
if it were my baby, I wouldn't want to take any chances.

K. Jean Cotterman RNC, IBCLC
Dayton, Ohio USA

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