
You wrote:

< Hoffman published his technique in 1953. It was the culmination of his
experience over a two year time period.

 In 1942 - Thorek questioned the usefulness of this proceedure.  ( 15
prior to Hoffman publishing on thise subject!)>

I am confused. I would like to have a little more information. I have the
one article Hoffman wrote. But I would like to read the actual 1942
article you mentioned. Could you give me the exact reference?

That sounds like the time period when Dr. Waller was starting to be vocal
about his ideas. Could the 1942 article have been about Dr. Waller's
claims? It hardly seems possible it could have been about something that
was not published till 11 years later.

>From my recollection, Waller and Hoffman were talking about two
different things. Before I add my $.02 (or $.03 or $.04) to the Hoffman
issue, I would like to read both the Thorek article and the
Alexander one you mentioned:

< In 1987 Jo Alexander did the first "actual" study with 96 women . While
admitting to the small number of participants in her study she "dailed to
identify any benift of the policy of recommending Hoffman's exercise">

After writing this, and with it still in my outbox waiting to be sent, I
read Lisa's next post explaining her understanding of the Hoffman
technique. This confirmed my hunch that we are not all talking about the
same thing. She wrote:

<It is an old method, often started prenatally, that attempts to correct
inverted nipples. The mother grasps the tissue behind the nipple, pulls
(hopefully nipple comes with it), and then does some gentle twisting and
pulling to try to break adhesions. A study several years ago compared
Hoffman and breast shells against doing nothing, and found no difference>

This is not at all what Dr. Hoffman wrote about in his article, and
nowhere in his article does it say anything about breaking adhesions. I
had seen this phrase in an explanation by Dr. Applebaum about its
purpose, but Hoffman does not say that. What Lisa is describing sounds
more like what Dr. Waller advocated, I believe.

Now, this makes me wonder just what the mothers in these studies were
told to do under the label of "Hoffman technique".

Once again, it seems to me we are "talking about fruit salad", where some
are thinking "apples and oranges", while others are thinking about
"strawberries and bananas".

K. Jean Cotterman RNC, IBCLC
Dayton, Ohio USA

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