Hello all, just wanted to share my thoughts on the 20/20 piece. I agree in general that it was better than expected. To clarify someone elses question, it was Charlie Gibson who made the comment about there not being any other place to put babies to sleep in other countries. This was after Diane Sawyer stated that to most other countries attachment parenting is basically a non issue , this is just the way it is done. Also there has been a very small study on the longterm effects of responsive parenting. it was conducted by Dr. Stephen Bell of Berry College near Atlanta, Georgia.
In a nut shell, he compared a group of La Leche League families with a control group and found that the LLL parented children scored significantly higher on the Quality of Life questionnaire, reasoned significantly hihger on the Defining Issues Test (moral reasoning), and scord higher on the Psychap Inventory (happiness) than did the grown children of the control group. The young adult children ranged between 17 to 29 years of age. I am going to e mail Dr.Bell to get his permission to give out his e mail address. If anyone wants more information please e mail me privately.

One last thing I would like to say is how much I have enjoyed the threads on co sleeping. I especially enjoy hearing about these wonderful older children , and young adults. Thanks for sharing your stories with us.
Warmly, Jennifer Lane

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